Adult Sunday School Class

Go deeper into exploring Sunday morning sermon topics and learning about theology, biblical doctrine, practical Christian lifestyle and discipleship.  These classes aim at developing your spiritual walk, knowledge of Christ and growth into spiritual maturity.

Classes meet every Sunday Morning from 9:15 - 10:15 AM
HPCA Building
Pastor Nathan Ogden - Ministry Leader/Teacher 
Pastor Taylor Hall - Ministry Leader/Teacher 
Skyler Theibeault - Ministry Leader/Teacher

Newcomer Class

Learn about who we are as a church and what we believe.  This class is aimed at helping new believers and those who are new to His Place House of Worship to acclimate to our Statement of Faith and Beliefs, essential Christian teachings and getting plugged into our church culture and discipleship.

Classes meet for prescribed term sessions on Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 10:15 AM
HPCA Building
John Evans - Ministry Leader/Teacher